Saya Bakal Cikgu Sains!


mcm x caya la plak kn..
2013 ak akn b'gelar cikgu da kn???
caya @ tidak..
that time will be coming soon...

dulu ak x pnah t'pk pon ak akan jd cikgu sains..
haha.. 2 laa...
mse jd murid2 dulu..
nakal x b'tmpat..
nti.. ank murid ak plak yg nakal...
what u give.. u get back laa..
By Allah...

this sem... my practikum at school will b start..
oh nooooo~
cuak + gabra + tkot & dll..
bak kte org.. smua de laa... hahaha
tp x pe.. chaiyok2 n i'll try my best okay!

k la.. ni ak nak kongsi ckit xtvt yg bleh cikgu2 sains bt kt skolah nti..
mklum laaa...
nak tarik murid2 minat tuk bljr ni susah ckit... especially science subject...
kne pandai pilih xtvt yg sesuai n kene pndai handle class...

xtvt ni ak jumpa kt blog somebody...
utk xtvt2 yg lain.. bleh follow this blog okay!

xtvt ni ak pilih utk siapkn asignment fizik n ak akn jlnkn xtvt ni mse praktikum bulan 4 nti...
report utk hasil xtvt ni... akn ak bg taw kt blog nti erk.. hihi

Phases of the Moon: Oreo Cookies

  1. Use Oreo cookies (Double Stuff work best for this exercise) to model the phases of the moon.
  2. Split the cookies open and scrape off the appropriate amount of cream filling, so you're left with the desired "picture" of the moon.
  3. You could use a whole bunch of these and create the whole cycle. Use some frosting to "glue" the cookies to a plate in the appropriate order.
  4. Or, you could use it as a quick, fun assessment - give each student one cookie and have them pick one of the moon phases out of a hat. They then need to use the cookie to illustrate the phase they selected.

****ini sy.. cikgu feeza.. ahaks!!***

note: to all science teacher or teacher's training... u can do this xtvt in class okay!!!!! interesting... *****SAYA BANGGA MENJADI GURU!

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Reen Azreen said...

kretip lah oreo tuh..ahahaha suke2

FeEza a.k.a miss JaJa said...

nti siap bt xtvt..
suruh bdak2 mkn..
lg laa syok diorg.. haha

shadowz said...

oreo... putar, jilat celup....
oreo aku : bukak plastik, kunyah, habis.. hahaha

FeEza a.k.a miss JaJa said...

haziq.. klo ko anak mrid ak..
cnfirm pening kpla otak ak.. haha

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